The Media Cover-Up Of A Known Terrorist: Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi

24 04 2013

Yesterday, I told you how the United States government and the United States media were aiding and abetting a KNOWN terrorist in a post titled: ‘The Aiding And Abetting Of A Known Terrorist’.  Today, *NEW* and EXCLUSIVE information has been brought forth by The Blaze. Information that Glenn Beck says that the head of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, could serve “jail time for perjury,” and she will be “the first to fall.”

Here is a list of *NEW* info regarding Alharbi that you NEED to know:

  • At the time the event file was created for Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, it indicated he was “armed and dangerous”
  • Alharbi was admitted into the country under a “special advisory option,” which is usually reserved for visiting politicians, VIPs, or journalists.  The event file cover page indicates he was granted his status without full vetting.
  • One of the first excuses given by law enforcement when confronted about Alharbi’s pending deportation was an expired visa.  But according to the event file, his visa is good until 11-NOV-2016.
  • The event file indicates he entered the U.S. on 08/28/12 in Boston, MA but says he is a student at the University of Findlay, in Findlay, Ohio.  He has an apartment in Boston, and doesn’t seem to have been a full-time student in Ohio.
  • When a file is created in the system the author(s) are notified via email when it is accessed, and given the email address of the person accessing, so there is a record within the government data system of who deleted them.  It was amended to remove the deportation reference, then someone later went in and tried to destroy both the original event file and an amended versions.  Copies had already been made.
  •  The original event file was reviewed and approved by two high level agents – Chief Watch Commander Maimbourg and Watch Commander Mayfield.

In addition, here is the text of the cover of the event file, which reveals still more:



DOB 03/12/1993



is an exact match to NO FLY TPN# 1037506192. Derogatory information reviewed by W/C Mayfield and CW/C Maimbourg was found to be sufficient to request Visa revocation. NTC-P is requesting revocation of Foil# e3139541. Subject is inadmissible to the U.S. under INA 212(a)(3)(B)(i)(II). SAO was not completed prior to Visa issuance. Subject is currently in the United States, admitted F1 student, at Boston POE on 08/28/2012. Subject is a student at THE UNIVERSITY OF FINDLAY, 1000 NORTH MAIN STREET FINDLAY, OHIO 45840-3695. Subject has One (1) prior event #1648067, Fins promoted, NT record in place, No scheduled found at this time. 

So, why the cover-up? Why isn’t the media covering this story? Why is the DHS back peddling and trying to cover their tracks on what they originally said in regards to Alharbi? Now that you have this *NEW* information that you are NOT hearing from the main stream media, what will you do with it? Might I suggest that you call your Congressman/Congresswoman and ask THEM what are they actively doing regarding a KNOWN terrorist being in the United States. Ask them, too, where is Alharbi today?

KP ~ 4.24.13


The Aiding And Abetting Of A Known Terrorist

23 04 2013

I can recall the numerous occasions that my cousins and I would huddle around our grandparents Zenith console television when we were young. We weren’t allowed to watch that many shows in our grandparents home, but one thing is for sure, when Walter Cronkite of CBS News came on, you better shut the hell up regardless of how sick you might have been at the time.

Grandpa took the words of Walter Cronkite very seriously. As I grew older and wiser, I come to realize why it was that Cronkite was dubbed, “The Most Trusted Man In America”.

My how times have changed. Today it seems like there’s a battle between the major networks on who is going to claim the “Most Untrusted News Source In America” title. My basis for that statement is none other than the cover-up CURRENTLY being done by Fox News, CBS News, ABC News, NBC News, CNN and MSNBC. What cover-up you might ask? I’ll tell you. The cover-up of Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi.

Alharbi is a Saudi that just so happened to be at the finish line of last Monday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon. Not only that, he was so close to the action that he was injured and taken to the hospital. Alharbi has been in the United States for just six months. He’s currently here on a student visa that allows him to go to school in Findley, Ohio. (Although there is no record of him being registered in any school in Findley, Ohio. He DOES, however, have an apartment in Boston Massachusetts.) I know, right! What are the odds?

Within minutes of the bombing, Alharbi was taken into custody by the FBI and labeled a “person of interest” in the Boston bombings. The FBI also went to Alharbi’s apartment in order to search it, and they also left with items from that search of Alharbi’s residence. (Which means a judge had to have granted the FBI a search warrant.)

Here’s what you NEED to know. Alharbi was set to be deported within HOURS of the bombings in Boston. He was going to be deported under the “212 3B” section labeled “Terrorist Activities” which states the following:

I) has engaged in a terrorist activity; (II) a consular officer, the Attorney General, or the Secretary of Homeland Security knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, is engaged in or is likely to engage after entry in any terrorist activity (as defined in clause (iv)); (III) has, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily harm, incited terrorist activity: (IV) is a representative (as defined in clause (v)) of —(aa) a terrorist organization (as defined in clause (vi)); or (bb) a political, social, or other group that endorses or espouses terrorist activity; (V) is a member of a terrorist organization described in subclause (I) or (II) of clause (vi);(VI) is a member of a terrorist organization described in clause (vi)(III), unless the alien can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the alien did not know,  and should not reasonably have known, that the organization was a terrorist organization; (VII) endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization; (VIII) has received military-type training (as defined in section 2339D(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code) from or on behalf of any organization that, at the time the training was received, was a terrorist organization (as defined in clause (vi)); or (IX) is the spouse or child of an alien who is inadmissible under the subparagraph, if the activity causing the alien to be found inadmissible occurred within the last 5 years, is inadmissible.

Now, what is even MORE disturbing, is that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to acknowledge the story even existed when questioned by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) last Friday.

Yesterday, Glenn Beck of The Blaze, put it this way; “We are not sure who actually tagged him as a ’212 3B,’ but we know it is very difficult to charge someone with this — it has to be almost certain,” Beck explained.  “It is the equivalent in civil society of charging someone with premeditated murder and seeking the death penalty — it is not thrown around lightly.” Beck continued by saying that “..after Secretary of State John Kerry met with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud on Tuesday, the FBI began backtracking on the Saudi national from suspect, to person of interest, to witness, to victim, to nobody.”

Continuing to outline a time-line of events, Beck said that on Wednesday, President Obama had a “chance” encounter with Saudi Foreign Minister Saud and Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir. “Wednesday at 5:35 p.m. the file is altered,” Beck said.  “This is unheard of, this is impossible in the timeline due to the severity of the charge….You don’t one day put a 212 3B charge against somebody with deportation, and then the next day take it off.  It would require too much to do it.”

So, now that you have a little bit of a background as to what is going on regarding the “initial suspect” from Saudi Arabia, ask yourself why isn’t the media covering this story? Why is Fox News, CBS News, ABC News, NBC News, CNN and MSNBC covering this up? Why are they aiding and abetting a known terrorist? I would encourage you to contact your Congressman or Congresswoman and ask them what are they actively doing to shed more light on this. I would like to personally thank Congressman Michael McCaul, Congressman Jeff Duncan, Congressman Peter King and Congresswoman Candice Miller for taking a stand and requesting more information from the Department of Homeland Security on this matter. I would also like to thank Glenn Beck of The Blaze for having the courage to make this his foremost priority. For without him exposing this, I would have never known about it.

And that’s the way it is, Tuesday, April the twenty-third. From So Mad I Could Scream, I’m KP.

KP ~ 4.23.13

Boston: The Martial Law Trial Run

20 04 2013

Let me just start by saying that I am VERY glad that the surviving Boston Marathon bomber was captured and is now off the streets. America has one less person on the streets that want to do her harm.

Now, let’s get to the meat of this story, “Lock Down” and “Warrantless Home Searches”. Early in the day, police told residents of several city neighborhoods, especially Watertown, to stay inside. School was canceled, bus and train service suspended and people were even told not to venture out for work. Let’s take a moment to break this down a bit.

“Police TOLD residents to stay inside”. Okay, who are they to tell me where the safest place FOR ME AND MY FAMILY to be is? I, personally, live out in the country about 60 miles east from a large city in Texas. My parents AND in-laws both live in the city. If what happened in Boston were to happen where my parents and in-laws live, the VERY FIRST THING that I would want them to do is leave the area and come out to my place where it is MUCH safer than being LOCKED UP in their home with a terrorist on the loose. My father-in-law is in his 70’s and doesn’t get around very well. The last place I would want him to be in a situation like that, is locked up in his home. The bombing suspect was found hiding in a boat, just mere feet away from a home that the residents were locked up in. NOT the safest place to be. ESPECIALLY when the gun fight broke out when officials found the suspect in the boat. So, again I ask, what business is it of the government and local officials to determine for ME and MY FAMILY as to where we need to be in a situation like this? It’s NOT. It’s MY business and the business of my family, that’s it. Period. End of discussion.

Second, “people were even TOLD not to venture out to work.” Again, who are they to tell me when I can and cannot go to work? I have a family to feed. A roof to put over their head. Bills to pay. And dare I say it, TAXES to pay as well. Taxes that go to pay for the very salaries of the people that are telling me to lock myself up in my home and NOT to go to work. Again, it is MY decision on whether or not I should go to work or not, not theirs. I decide.

Now, let’s talk about all of the warrantless searches that were done.  Police were going door to door in search for the second suspect. The Fourth Amendment of the United States of America Constitution reads as follows: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized.”

How many homes in Boston or the surrounding area(s), including Watertown, Massachusetts; were searched WITHOUT a warrant? By Boston officials’ OWN ADMISSION, when they lifted the “lock down”, the coast was somewhat clear but residents were advised to remain vigilant, even though the suspect was still on the loose.

In a situation such as what we all saw Bostonians go through, does the government have the right to come knocking on your door searching for ANYBODY or ANYTHING without a warrant? What would have happened had a resident come to the door and told an officer, “I’m fine, my family is fine; all is good here.”? Would the officer/agent accepted that answer? Would they have trusted that answer? Would they have arrested that person for impeding an investigation? Do any of these questions or view points matter? Does the Constitution of The United States of America matter?

KP ~ 4.20.13

The Media Gets It Wrong……AGAIN

17 04 2013

One only has to Google: “Kaufman County Murders White Supremacist Prison Gang” to see just how many different so-called, “media outlets” got it wrong. Within HOURS of the tragic murder of Kaufman County Assistant District Attorney, Mark Hasse, local media in the Dallas/Ft.Worth area jumped to the conclusion that somehow it was the Aryan Brotherhood or a “white supremacist prison gang” that committed this crime. That SAME assumption held true just two months later when Kaufman County District Attorney, Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, were gunned down in their home.

Early this morning, we learned that officials have arrested 46yr old, Kim Williams, and charged her with capital murder. Williams is the wife of former Kaufman County Justice of The Peace, Eric Williams. Kim is being held on a $10 million dollar bond.

I “could” be wrong, but I’m thinking that Kim Williams is not in the Aryan Brotherhood, nor is she in a “white supremacist prison gang”. Again, I could be wrong. Living in Kaufman County, I heard nothing from local officials that would make you believe that these horrific crimes were tied to either group, yet, this is what our local media ran with and from there; the national media attached themselves to that theory as well. Why?

I wrote about this “conclusion” made by the media in another post and I shared with you how I have been BLOCKED from making any comments on the CBS/DFW Facebook page. All I want and EXPECT from my media, local AND national, is to cover the important stories and be FACTUAL. Is that too much to ask?

KP ~ 4.17.13

The Blame Game: Look At What We’ve Become

16 04 2013

Yesterday was another tragic day in American history. As of this posting, 2 lives were lost and another 100+ were injured in what was a very cowardly act of terrorism. As hundreds of people were minding their own business, enjoying time with their families, some even pushing their own limits by participating in the Boston Marathon; a coward, or a group of cowards, took it upon themselves to infringe on those that were minding their own business and detonated 2 bombs in the crowded streets of Boston, Massachusetts.

What’s even sadder than the tragic act itself, is to sit back and watch how the media and some in Congress are reacting to the situation. Take for instance Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD), who actually stated that the bombings were proof that some of the sequester cuts were irrational.   Little does he know that NO amount of Federal spending could have prevented what happened in the streets of Boston yesterday.

And without even knowing what type of bomb was actually used or for that matter, who was to blame, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews took to the air and said that domestic terrorists tend to be far-right. Then you have CNN’s Wolf Blitzer actually trying to tie the bombings to the ‘Patriots Day’ holiday. Not to be outdone by his co-worker, CNN Analyst, Peter Bergen, went on to say that right-wing extremists could be to blame for the bombings. And then, to top it all off, former top White House Official, David Axlerod, told the media that President Obama may have shied away from using the term “terrorist” in his initial response because the bombings may have been associated with “Tax Day”.

I could be wrong for saying this, but I don’t remember all of this ‘finger pointing’ and ‘media blame game’ that is going on during the hours and days after 9/11. Nope. What I remember is a country of people banning together as one and they were DETERMINED to find those that were responsible for the atrocity that had occurred on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

Do the Chris Matthews’ of the world actually think that “blaming this” or “blaming that” is going to help those in charge of finding out who did this find them any quicker? Does Mr. Matthews think that after spewing his blame, an FBI Agent or ATF Agent is going to say, “…QUICK! Find the nearest right-wing Tea Party group! We have a tip from Chris Matthews and he seems to believe that this was done by someone who voted Republican!”?

In the end, the result will still be the same. Boston had 2 bombs go off in their crowded streets and people lost their lives and many more lives will forever be changed. No matter who is responsible for this cowardly act, I pray to my God that those that are responsible for it are found and prosecuted to the fullest that the law will allow. Right, Left, Christian or Muslim…….just FIND them and let justice take its course.

KP ~ 4.16.13

The TRUTH = Political Witch Hunt

20 06 2012

The current Facebook status update of CNN reads like this: “Do you think this is a warranted investigation or a “political witch hunt” in an election year?”, and they have attached their own CNN article to their Facebook post.

I find their question rather disturbing, since the actual “Operation Gun Runner: Fast & Furious” scandal broke back in 2009. gives a pretty accurate time-line of the events in an article posted back in July of last year. The main-stream media is going to have to wake up sooner or later and realize that America has caught on to their little game of protecting the current President. Even left-wing liberals such as Van Jones, are ripping Eric Holder regarding Fast & Furious.

When did seeking the truth become a “political witch hunt”? No matter who’s in office, or which political party is in the White House, the media should do its job of “checks and balances” and reporting ALL scandals in a timely manner. I’m sure the viewers of NBC Nightly News are wondering what the heck ‘Fast & Furious’ is or what it even means. I say this only because it took NBC over three years to even bring up the topic. The very first time NBC Nightly News even brought it up was on June 12th, 2012, some 3 years AFTER the scandal was made public. And when it was mentioned, not only did NBC distort the story, but they only gave their viewers mere seconds on the topic. Why? Why would NBC do this to their viewers? What is it that NBC doesn’t want their viewers to know, the TRUTH?

NBC isn’t the only ones in the main-stream media that are protecting Eric Holder and the current administration. On Sunday, May 20th, 2012; ABC CHOSE not to air an interview with Speaker of The House, John Boehner, given by ABC “This Week” host, George Stephanopoulos. Again, ask yourself “why”? Why would ABC do this to its viewers. What is it that ABC doesn’t want their viewers to know, the truth? Mary Chastain of, wrote an excellent article regarding the Main Stream Media’s ongoing cover up of Fast & Furious. Ms. Chastain also goes into great detail as to how the New York Times continues to cover up Fast & Furious in an article she wrote about New York Times reporter, Charlie Savage.

The truth finally, and thankfully, caught up to Hitler regarding the Holocaust. The truth came out victorious regarding President Richard Nixon and Watergate. The truth came out regarding the Iran-Contra Aid. The truth came out regarding Monica Lewinsky. And, I no doubt, KNOW the truth will eventually come out regarding the Fast & Furious scandal. It’s just a matter of time. You can not out run the truth.

KP ~ June 20th, 2012

(Editors Note ~ If you would like to enhance your fact finding mission, might I suggest a couple of websites that can be helpful in your mission. They are:,,, and last but not least, These are just a few of the sources that I use in my day to day fact finding mission.)